Atrophy's Safety Hints

Last updated 06/03/2009 19:52

  • Introduction
  • Over-braking
  • Passing slow traffic
  • SMIDSY 1
  • SMIDSY 2
  • Sixth Sense
  • Cellphone
  • Tailgater
  • Unsafe Trailer
  • Crocodiles
  • Road Crosser
  • Fifty-fifty
  • Distraction
  • Other atrophy links
  • Crocodiles

    We've all seen thrown treads by the side of the road. Heavy goods vehicles often use re-treaded tyres, and these can let go.

    When they do come off, it's likely to be when the lorry is travelling quickly, so the tread can be thrown quite violently from its wheel.

    So, keep away from these vehicles as much as possible, and when you overtake them, give them a wide berth, and do so as quickly as possible.

    While on the subject of heavy goods vehicles, make sure they can see you in their mirrors. If they can't, they may well make a move that can compromise you, for instance moving into your lane just as you've pulled out to overtake.

    Make sure you can see the driver in his mirrors, at least that means he can see you if he looks. But never assume he has seen you!

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